Hi, I’m Alex.

I love travel and storytelling, which led me to marketing in travel & tourism. I am on the U.S. G Adventures team.

I’m also a runner, nature enthusiast, plant-based animal lover and crazy about mountains. Here is a place to share little bits of my life.

Alex standing in the downtown square of Armenia
Change is the heartbeat of growth, the rhythm of life.

About me

Finding happiness and capturing moments through travel, running, nature, coffee and relationships.

Follow along with me on my travels, trail running and races, coffee shop explorations and more. Discover hidden gems with me along the way as I capture moments through photography, and expresses creativity in design.

What I do

My professional experience began in international service-learning with students. I grew passionate about finding the bridge between small business and socially minded causes and initiatives.

I soon found that I was most passionate in exploring how marketing and messaging provides a beautiful way to tell the story of a small business. I work for G Adventures, a small group travel company that organizes trips all over the world.

Through my professional role and other passions, I’m able to share stories & moments that have impacted me, which I hope to convey through my site.